Outlaw Ridge POA Meeting minuets 9/20/2014
[Tim] called regular meeting to order at 10:37 am
[Mike} Prayer
[Lori] Money raised during the BBQ $613.00
[Irving] Treasures report
[Tim] discussed website
[Tim] Discussed Petition for more patrol by county
[Mike Peacock] Suggested the use of cameras to identify speeders
[Tim] Discussed neighborhood watch
[Mike and Lori Peacock] suggested banner for front sign
[Tim] Discussed building maintenance and proposed repair project for repair and a vote was taken for $1600.00 budget. Vote was taken and passed
[Tim] Opened for general discussion
[Group] Discussed covers for picnic tables and would get more bids and ideas
[Lori][group] discussed pavilion and restroom
Compost, holding tank, vs. rollover
[Tim] discussed garage sale and agreed on 3rd Saturday in October (October 18th) and that drop off times would be on Saturdays preceding the sale date.
Meeting adjourned at 11:23 am