Outlaw Ridge LOA
Meeting Minutes May 21, 2016
Meeting Called to order @ 10:40 am
Thanked Charles Payne for the mowing of the park.
Spoke about Sue Payne passing.
Irving Jones gave Treasures report.
Motioned to accept treasures report-passed.
Opened on new business.
Asked if anyone had ideas on grading or dragging the parking lot.
Stanley Maxwell stated he would get a drag device for our use.
Jim and Peggy Rife- Peggy explained the issues with the property border they are having and members discussed what needs to be done. Vote was taken on how this would be resolved.
Discussed the need for new officers.
Motion for vote in new officers.
Charles Tucker volunteered to take treasurers position.
Vote taken- passed 100%
William Tucker nominated as Secretary.
Vote taken -passed 100%
Property issue resolve: voted-passed 100%
Meeting closed @11:32 am